What is the Webster Technique?

The Webster technique is a chiropractic technique that has many benefits for pregnancy, although it can be used even if you are not pregnant. The Webster technique consists of a specific analysis, gentle chiropractic adjustments, and soft tissue release. Webster if performed regularly throughout pregnancy, with the frequency of appointments increasing as the pregnancy progresses. Webster helps balance the pelvis and surrounding structures, which has numerous benefits.

What Are the Benefits of Webster Technique During Pregnancy?

  • Decreases pain during pregnancy, such as low back and pelvic pain
  • Decreases abdominal/uterine discomfort, especially at the round ligament
  • Improves pelvic balance, supporting baby’s movement and growth
  • Encourages head-down position
  • Improves birth outcomes
  • Decreases dystocia and malposition of baby
  • Decreases complications and interventions during pregnancy and labor (such as c-section)

Does the Webster Technique Turn Breech Babies?

No, chiropractors do NOT physically turn breech babies with Webster technique. We correct imbalances in your body, which often results in the baby turning from a breech to a head down position on their own. Webster is often viewed as a way to turn breech babies because of these results, however we do not turn babies, and there is no guarantee that they will turn. We aim to balance the structures in and around your pelvis so that if your baby wants to move, they can.

How I Use Webster Technique In My Practice

There are some differences in how I use Webster in my practice, since I incorporate concepts from Applied Kinesiology and Systems Health Care. In addition to performing a thorough Webster analysis, I will use muscle testing to help guide treatment. My philosophy is the muscle moves bone, and by correcting the function of muscles we can resolve the root of the problem. I will adjust the same regions typically adjusted in Webster, however I will use soft tissue techniques rather than a thrust-type adjustment (Diversified) or instrument assisted (such as Activator). Essentially, I will correct the imbalance without “cracking” or “popping” you. Your Webster assessment and treatment will be incorporated with the rest of your treatment, as it is very likely that other aspects of your health, such as respiratory and pelvic diaphragm balance, emotional health, etc., are connected. Webster is one of many things that I check and correct during your appointment! 

Finding A Webster Certified Practitioner 

Doctors who attend the Webster seminar and pass practical and written examinations can become Webster certified through the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association). The ICPA website has a directory, where you can find certified doctors near you.