Constipation in babies and children is very common and has many possible causes. Constipation is typically diagnosed when there are less than 3 bowel movements per week. Often this is accompanied by straining with elimination, pain or discomfort, and hardened feces.


What is MiraLAX?

MiraLAX is an over-the-counter laxative. The main ingredient is polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350. This ingredient causes the gut to retain more water, softening the stool and allowing for easier passage.

Many parents use MiraLAX to help relieve their child’s constipation, often as recommended by their doctor. MiraLAX, however, has not been approved for children, and there are many notable side effects.


What Side Effects Can MiraLAX Cause?

In 2014 the FDA reported 167 children taking MiraLAX had adverse side effects, and 37 of those were neurologic or psychiatric.Many parents have noticed behavioral changes in their children such as anxiety, depression, mood swings, anger, paranoia, and personality changes. Other common side effects include bloating, gas, diarrhea, gastrointestinal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

By causing the digestive tract to retain water it also interferes with the body’s natural process of absorbing fluid and nutrients. This can negatively impact the GI tract, gut-brain communication, hormone production in the gut such as serotonin, and more. Long term use can result in dehydration, mineral imbalances, and can even contribute to chronic constipation by creating a reliance on laxatives. While this medication may provide temporary relief from constipation, it comes with the risk of many side effects.


What Can Cause Constipation in Kids?

There are many potential causes of constipation, which means the solution will vary for each child.

Some common causes include:

    • Physical tension due to tight muscles, fascia, ligaments, or restricted joints
    • Dysfunction in the gut microbiome – such as too much “bad” bacteria that needs to be replaced with good
    • Dysfunction with the gut-brain communication due to stress hormones, vagus nerve dysfunction, and an over-sympathetic nervous system
    • Pelvic floor tension, weakness, or a pelvic diaphragm that is out of sync with the respiratory diaphragm
    • Gallbladder imbalances
    • Allergies or sensitivities to foods or other substances
    • Physical GI tract blockage, hypothyroidism, cerebral palsy and other nervous system disorders


    What Are Alternative Ways to Help Constipation in Kids?

    The solution to constipation will be dependent on the specific child. Causes are identified with a thorough history, physical exam, and lab work if needed, and specific muscle testing aids to guide individualized treatment. Treatments may include myofascial release, gentle correction of chiropractic subluxations (restricted joints), cranio-sacral therapy, visceral manipulation such as treatment of organ reflexes, acupressure, nutritional recommendations or lifestyle modification, and supplementation as needed (nutrients, herbs, etc.).


    Some things you can do at home:

        • Improve diet by decreasing processed foods and increasing whole foods

        • Increase consumption of healthy fats and protein

        • Remove potential triggers such as food dyes, fluoride, and other chemical exposure

        • Identify and work through any major causes of stress

        • Encourage physical activity and exercise

        • Try an elimination diet to identify any food sensitivities


      Constipation can be caused by many things that you may not expect. I have seen it be influenced by head injuries, over-the-counter medicines such as allergy meds and melatonin, and more. Using applied kinesiology helps us find the cause and provide individualized solutions.